Shift your health, wealth, and reality from feeling stuck to finding alignment and harmony
Antojai Quantum Reiki can help shift these aspects of your reality allowing you to plant new seeds.
I won't claim that this is a magic solution that will change your life drastically overnight, however
it is an incredibly powerful resource that is always available to help guide you on your journey.
What is Antojai Quantum Reiki?
Antojai is a form of vibrational healing that uses quantum energies to promote balance within the human
subconscious. Antojai works with the subtle vibrational field that surrounds the body to introduce
cleansing energy to the conscious, subconscious, and astral portions of the human experience.
How it Works
Sessions are available in person at my Greenville SC location or virtually via zoom.
We will have a brief conversation about what you have going on and may be
looking to shift. I will then guide you into a meditation that will allow me to connect
to your conscious, subconscious minds as well as your physical bodies at which time
Antojai Quantum energies will be applied.
Why Reiki Works
Reiki Works because it goes above and beyond your physical and conscious awareness and
dives deeper into your subconscious and emotional bodies. From here we can tap into the
root cause of what causes your dis'ease', bring that from the subconscious mind and into
your present awareness. Things like repressed emotions, stored trauma, ancestral trauma, and
even past life trauma can all cause distress in our present awareness and can often be presented
as physical pain, disease, mental illness, issues with weight and more. Once these subconscious
experiences can be released so can the dis'ease' they are tied to.
Where to Start
If you do not have a meditation or mindfulness practice I would start there. Meditation does not have to look like sitting down quietly for an extended period of time so if you struggle with that do not worry. Active meditation like going for a walk, working out, journaling, and many more actives can help build a foundation for meditation and mindfulness. You can also always book a reiki session with a certified Reiki Practitioner.